Taipei International Cycle Show

Taipei International Cycle Show




EICMA: “The Milan Show “


Show Organizer:  ANCMA

Italian Association of Bicycle and
Motorycle Industry Manufacturers

Founded: 1920  (First edition of the show was 1914)

Number of member companies: 170


Associazione Nazionale Ciclo Moto Accessori (ANCMA) is the Trade association that brings together Italian manufacturers of two wheeled vehicles and companies producing parts and accessories for these vehicles. It was founded in 1920. It is a member of Confindustria and is therefore a primary component of the representative system for Italian industry.


ANCMA aims to promote the spread of bikes and motorbikes (including parts and accessories), to study solutions for economic, technical and regulatory problems facing the sector, to assist and represent member companies in protecting general interests or those of individual sectors, to collect and elaborate data and information for the use of members, to promote and encourage initiatives and agreements between members, to appoint its own representatives to governmental and non-governmental bodies, institutions and commissions, also at a European and international level, and in general to carry out all the activities and functions relating to National Trade associations.


The companies belonging to ANCMA (numbering over 170) are divided into the following Groups:


In order to attain their own institutional goals, ANCMA has supported the foundation of Ancma Services and Development and Eicma.  ANCMAhas its own representatives at the following national and international bodies and plays an active role in their work:  CONFINDUSTRIACUNA Commissione tecnica di Unificazione nell’Autoveicolo; UNI  Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione;  CFI Comitato Fiere Industria;
IMMA  International Motorcycle Manufactures Association; ACEM  Association des constructeurs Europèens de Motocycles; COLIBI Comitè de Liaison des Constructeurs de Bicyclettes;COLIPED Comitè de Liaison des Constructeurs de Pièces Dètachèes:  ACE Associazione dei Costruttori Europei di Caschi


